About the Laboratory of Psychopathology and Psychoanalysis

This is the Laboratory of Psychopathology and Psychoanalysis, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies of Kyoto University.

Our specialized fields are psychopathology, psychoanalysis (especially Lacanian psychoanalysis), history of psychiatry, psychobiography (pathography), and contemporary French theory.

About the entrance exams

  • For those who wish to study abroad at Kyoto University, please check this website.
  • If you need to learn the basics of the specialized field of our laboratory, we encourage you to first apply as a “research student”.
  • If you have already studied psychopathology or psychoanalysis professionally at a research institution such as a graduate school and/or already have experience in academic presentation or paper writing, we encourage you to apply to the master’s course or doctor’s course.
  • Those who have graduated from a university in China, Hong Kong, or Taiwan, and wish to enroll in Kyoto University as a research, master’s or doctoral student, are required to contact the Admissions Assistance Office (AAO) for a preliminary screening before submitting their application documents to the relevant graduate school.


Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
Yoshida-Nohinmatsu-Cho, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto City, 606-8501, Japan

E-Mail : tajZan.nicZolaspierZre.2m@kyoZto-u.aZc.jp (supprimer les 5 “Z”)

maZtsuZmoto.takZuya.6s@kyotoZ-u.acZ.jp (please delete five “Z”)